Unusual and Eccentric

Taxidermy Collecting: Explore the Art of Stillness

a taxidermy of an owl in a glass case

Welcome to the intriguing, original,  and slightly quirky world of taxidermy collecting, where “stuffed” doesn’t just refer to after a big meal, but to a passionate hobby that celebrates the everlasting beauty of nature.

Taxidermy, the art of preserving animals for study or display, has been around for centuries, but it’s far from being old news.

It’s a practice that gives us a snapshot, or maybe a freeze-frame, of nature’s vast and beautiful array of creatures.

For many, the allure of taxidermy is the chance to preserve a slice of the natural world, to hold onto the raw and untamed beauty that would otherwise be lost to time.

It’s about capturing the majesty of a hawk in mid-swoop, the sly grin of a fox, or the stoic stance of a deer—without the whole “running away” problem.

Plus, let’s be honest, it’s probably the only way to have a bear in your living room without causing a major uproar.

Taxidermy collecting isn’t just for the eccentric or the faint of heart; it’s for anyone who appreciates wildlife, craftsmanship, and a bit of history.

It’s about the respect for the animal, the science behind the preservation, and the art that brings these creatures back to life—well, metaphorically speaking, of course.

So, whether you’re a seasoned collector, a curious onlooker, or someone who just really likes zebras, join us as we dive into the world of taxidermy collecting.

It’s one hobby where you can be sure your collectibles will never walk away—unless, of course, you forget to bolt them down.

The History and Evolution of Taxidermy

Let’s step into our time machine and rewind to the origins of taxidermy, where stuffing animals was about as glamorous as it sounds, but absolutely essential for reasons we’ll soon discover.

A Stuffed Journey Back in Time

Long before taxidermy became a form of art that could win contests, it was a practical means for humans to study animals without having them over for dinner—permanently.

The early days of taxidermy were less about aesthetics and more about the “hurry up and preserve it before it rots” approach.

Imagine a time when the only way to remember what a dodo looked like was to, well, stuff a dodo.

The Maestros of Mounting

As we move along the taxidermy timeline, we encounter individuals who turned this craft into an art form.

These are the Michelangelos of mounting, the Picassos of preservation.

These key historical figures, with their innovations and improvements, took taxidermy from the backroom of science labs to the center stage of museums. This started in the 18th century.

Not Just for Show: Taxidermy in Academia

Now, let’s talk about the noble role of taxidermists in museums and the world of scientific study.

It’s not just about giving visitors something to gawk at; it’s about education, conservation, and the continuation of knowledge.

Who knew that a stuffed sparrow could teach us so much about the world?

Taxidermy has evolved from its practical roots into a sophisticated blend of art and science.

It’s a testament to human ingenuity and our endless quest to hold onto the beauty of the natural world.

So, whether it’s a Victorian-era bird or a contemporary eco-friendly mount, taxidermy remains an integral part of our cultural and scientific heritage.

Hang around as we delve deeper into this fascinating world where art meets zoology, and history is forever frozen in time.

The Art of Taxidermy: Techniques and Styles

Welcome to the studio, where taxidermy transcends the mere mortal realm of “stuffing things” to become a bona fide art form.

Grab your lab coats and let’s get artsy!

Crafting Creatures: The Nitty-Gritty of Taxidermy

First, let’s talk turkey—or any other animal, for that matter.

The process of taxidermy is a dance of three steps: skinning, preserving, and mounting.

It’s like a ballet, where the goal is to make the end result look as lifelike as possible, except no one’s moving and tights are optional.

Styles That Make a Statement

Now, not all taxidermy is created equal.

There are styles to suit every collector’s taste. Realistic taxidermy is all about capturing the animal as it was in life, down to the last whisker twitch.

Artistic taxidermy throws a bit of whimsy and creativity into the mix, because who says a squirrel can’t sport a monocle?

And then there’s Anthropomorphic Taxidermy and fantasy taxidermy, where the only limit is your imagination and, well, basic anatomy.

The Ethics of Eternity

Let’s not forget the ethical side of things.

Sourcing specimens responsibly is the golden rule in the taxidermy community.

It’s not just about what looks good on your mantle; it’s about respect for the animals and the environment.

It’s like being a superhero for wildlife, with less spandex and more formaldehyde.

The Thrill of the Hunt: Discovering Unique Taxidermy Pieces

Strap on your adventure hats, folks; we’re about to embark on the treasure hunt of a lifetime.

Where the Wild Things Are Sold: Where to Buy Taxidermy

The quest for taxidermy treasures can take you to some pretty eclectic places.

Auctions, where the gavel’s bang signals victory.

Estate sales, where you sift through history for hidden gems.

And specialized dealers, the keepers of the furry kingdom’s finest.

It’s worth joining the Facebook Group Taxidermy for Sale where you can buy and sell taxidermy (I suppose you guessed that from the title!) and the sub Reddit r/taxidermy – both great resources for finding like minded collectors and picking up a bargain!

There’s also two other noteable places to buy taxidermy:

ETSY: Not your first choice for taxidermy, but that’s where you’re missing out. One click on the image below will show you that Etsy are a go to for most collectibles and they have a large amount of taxidermy animals to choose from

EBAY: eBay is an awesome auction marketplace and they have a ton of taxidermy stuff. Jump on now and snag a bargain at auction!

The Detective’s Guide to Quality and Authenticity

Finding taxidermy is one thing; discerning the Van Goghs from the van-gone-wrongs is another.

Here are some pro tips: inspect the craftsmanship, research the species, and if it looks like it might still run away, that’s probably a good sign.

Exotic Encounters of the Stuffed Kind

There’s a unique rush in discovering rare and exotic taxidermy pieces.

It’s like meeting a unicorn, except it’s real and might be a zebra with some extra flair.

Each piece has a story, and it’s up to you to write the next chapter.

So, whether you’re after a regal lion or a dapper duck, happy hunting and may the odds be ever in your favour.

The Benefits of Taxidermy Collecting

Nature’s Library on Display

In the grand tapestry of taxidermy collecting, each piece serves as a thread in the vast narrative of natural history and biodiversity.

By preserving specimens, collectors play a crucial role in safeguarding the tapestry’s integrity, ensuring future generations can enjoy and learn from these biological bookmarks.

A Lesson in Fur, Feathers, and Fins

Let’s dive into the educational value of a taxidermy collection.

It’s a hands-on, eyes-on history and science lesson that stands still long enough for you to take notes.

It’s about understanding ecosystems, marveling at evolution, and yes, figuring out just how many porcupine quills it takes to make a point.

The Financial Finesse of Fur and Feathers

When it comes to taxidermy as an investment, rare pieces are like the stocks of the stuffed animal world.

Their value can appreciate over time, making that eerie-eyed owl a potential gold mine.

Remember, though, the market can be as unpredictable as a weasel on a caffeine buzz, so invest wisely.

Caring for Your Taxidermy Collection

Think of this as the spa retreat for your taxidermy collection, where we pamper and primp our furry friends to look their best indefinitely.

The TLC of Taxidermy

Regular dusting, the occasional check-up, and an environment that’s just right ensure your collection remains as timeless as it is striking.

Battling the Elements: The Taxidermy Edition

Humidity, pests, and sunlight are the arch-nemeses of any taxidermy enthusiast.

To combat these villains, arm yourself with dehumidifiers, pest control, and UV filters. After all, no one likes a moth-eaten moose or a sun-bleached bear.

Show and Tell: Storage and Display

Finally, let’s talk storage and display.

This is where your collection gets to shine—figuratively, not literally; remember the bit about sunlight?

From climate-controlled cabinets to majestic mounts, how you showcase your taxidermy can turn your home into a personal museum where every guest gets a guided tour. J

ust make sure your prized peacock isn’t blocking the TV.



Building a Taxidermy Collection: Starting Out

This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship with feathered, furred, or scaled companions that won’t need walking or feeding.

Finding Your Taxidermy Tribe

Deciding on a focus when collecting taxidermy animals is like choosing a favourite ice cream flavour at the world’s most exotic parlour.

Whether you’re drawn to the grandeur of African megafauna, the delicate beauty of tropical birds, or the quirky charm of artistic interpretations, there’s a niche for you.

It’s about what makes your collector’s heart beat a little faster (and not because there’s a taxidermied wolf in the corner).

The Collector’s Balancing Act

When it comes to curating your collection, think of it as a dinner party.

You want a well-balanced guest list, not just 15 stuffed squirrels fighting for the nuts. Aim for diversity, but don’t just accumulate pieces; curate them with the eye of an art director on a nature documentary.

The Long Game

Budgeting and planning for long-term collecting is like mapping out a treasure hunt where X marks the spot for a 19th-century stuffed parrot.

It requires patience, savvy investments, and the foresight to know that good things—and taxidermy—come to those who wait.

The Taxidermy Collecting Community: A World of Passionate Enthusiasts

Welcome to the club, where the only entry requirement is a shared passion for nature’s motionless menagerie.

Where the Wild Fans Are

Dive into online forums and social media groups where taxidermy collectors flock together like a well-behaved murder of crows.

These are the places to crow about your latest acquisition, peck at some sage advice, and nest in the warmth of shared interests.

Tales of the Taxidermied

Sharing knowledge and experiences is what turns a solitary hobby into a communal feast of facts and anecdotes.

It’s about passing down the lore of the craft, the stories behind each piece, and the occasional “How did you get a giraffe through the front door?” saga.

Taxidermy in Popular Culture and Art

Step into the spotlight where taxidermy shines as a star in its own right, from the pages of novels to the walls of galleries.

Taxidermy’s Starring Role

Whether it’s setting the scene in a gothic horror film, serving as a symbol in a novel, or taking a turn on the canvas, taxidermy has made its mark on film, literature, and visual arts.

It’s the supporting actor that never fluffs its lines.

The Artists’ Muse

Contemporary artists bring a fresh perspective to taxidermy, turning it into a medium for commentary, humour, and sheer wonder.

It’s not just about preserving what was; it’s about imagining what could be.

Home is Where the Heart Is

And let’s not overlook taxidermy’s role in interior design, where it adds a touch of the wild to any space.

It’s the new black, the statement piece that says, “Yes, I have a zebra in my living room. Doesn’t everyone?”

From starting your collection to joining the ranks of enthusiastic collectors, taxidermy is more than a hobby—it’s a lifestyle.

And in popular culture, it’s not just a relic of the past but a vibrant, dynamic form of artistic expression. Now, who’s ready to give their home a touch of the taxidermied wild?

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Taxidermy Collecting

The Collector’s Rulebook

Navigating laws and regulations is like a dance—sometimes complex, but essential.

Endangered species and import restrictions aren’t just fine print; they’re the guidelines that ensure our hobby honours the creatures we admire.

So, know your CITES from your ESA and collect with care.

The Heart of Conservation

Ethical sourcing is the compass that guides us.

It’s about honouring the lives behind the specimens and the ecosystems they come from.

The role of conservation is not a secondary character in our collecting story; it’s the lead, ensuring our collections tell a tale of respect and responsibility.

The Collector’s Pedigree

Documentation and provenance are the collector’s best friends.

They’re the breadcrumbs that lead back through history, proving that your collection is not just legal, but also a legacy.

Like a family tree for your feathered and furred, these papers are as precious as the collection itself.

Spotlight on Notable Taxidermy Collections and Collectors

Let’s roll out the red carpet for the taxidermy titans, those collectors and collections that make us ooh and ahh.

  • Hermann Ploucquet is a well-known taxidermist who can be read about in more detail here.
  • There’s also some guy called Charles Darwin who tried his hand at Taxidermy. I don’t think he’s remembered for anything else though. Find out here.

The Future of Taxidermy Collecting

Gaze into the crystal ball, where the future of taxidermy is as bright as a firefly’s bum—only much, much bigger.

Tomorrow’s Taxidermy Today

Emerging trends and technologies in taxidermy are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

From 3D printing to genetic mapping, the future is a place where the art of taxidermy is constantly being reinvented.

The Educator’s Exhibit

The role of taxidermy in conservation and education is expanding.

It’s about teaching the next generation, not just about what we’ve lost, but what we can save.

It’s a tool for sparking wonder and fueling the fire of future conservationists.

Prognostications of the Preserved

Predictions for the future of taxidermy collecting range from high-tech hybrids to a renewed appreciation for the classics.

One thing’s for sure: the fascination with this artful hobby isn’t going anywhere.

It’s evolving, growing, and continuing to capture the imaginations of collectors across the globe.

Whether you’re a law-abiding citizen of the taxidermy world, a fan of the famous collections, or a futurist with one eye on the next big thing, the world of taxidermy collecting is ripe with opportunity.

It’s a world where the past is preserved, the present is celebrated, and the future is as wild as the creatures we collect.


As we close the cabinet doors on our taxidermy talk, let’s take a moment to bask in the glory of what we’ve covered.

From the artful precision of preserving nature’s masterpieces to the legal dance of doing right by our furry friends, taxidermy collecting is a world rich with history, beauty, and a touch of the wild.

Let this be a grand encouragement to venture deeper into the forest of taxidermy collecting.

There are always new specimens to discover, techniques to master, and fellow enthusiasts to meet.

It’s a journey that promises the thrill of the hunt without leaving the comforts of your abode—unless, of course, you’re tracking down that elusive auction piece.

Time to Take Action

Now, it’s your turn to spread your wings and join the flock.

Dive headfirst into the online forums and social media groups where the taxidermy tribe gathers to share, learn, and show off their latest acquisitions.

And don’t forget about the Collectorizing Facebook group, a cozy corner of the internet where you can share your stories, showcase your collections, and maybe even find your taxidermy soulmate (strictly platonically, of course!).

So whether you’re a seasoned pro with a house that rivals a natural history museum or a newbie with a burgeoning interest and an empty mantle, there’s a spot for you in the taxidermy community.

Join the conversation, share your passion, and keep the legacy of these fascinating creatures alive for the next generation of collectors.

Step out, step up, and let’s continue to collect, conserve, and celebrate the magnificent art of taxidermy together!

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