Hobbies and Crafts

Pencil Sharpener Collecting: A diverse and Interesting Hobby

The Charm of Pencil Sharpener Collecting

Have you ever thought about starting a collection, but weren’t sure what to collect?

Look no further than the often-overlooked but highly intriguing world of pencil sharpeners! From vintage treasures to quirky modern designs, pencil sharpeners hold a special place in the hearts of collectors worldwide.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the charm that pencil sharpener collecting can bring to your life.

We’ll dive into the history, diversity, and unique appeal of this fascinating hobby. You’ll discover why pencil sharpeners are more than just boring, practical tools, but also objects of art, nostalgia, and cultural significance.

After reading this post, you’ll be inspired to appreciate the beauty and value of these small but mighty devices!

Key Takeaways: Why Collect Pencil Sharpeners?

  1. Variety: Pencil sharpeners come in a wide range of styles and designs, making collecting them a diverse and interesting hobby.
  2. Historical Significance: Pencil sharpeners can offer insights into the history of education, design trends, and manufacturing techniques over the years.
  3. Community: There is a dedicated community of pencil sharpener collectors who share information, resources, and a passion for these unique collectibles.
  4. Value: Certain rare or vintage pencil sharpeners can have significant monetary value to collectors and enthusiasts.
  5. Preservation: Collecting pencil sharpeners can also involve preserving these items for future generations to appreciate and study.
Basic silver double pencil sharpener
A common double pencil sharpener.

The Basics of Pencil Sharpener Collecting

Understanding the Types of Pencil Sharpeners

To get started in the world of pencil sharpener collecting, you need to know the different types available.

Each type has its own unique charm and adds something special to a collection. Understanding the various types of pencil sharpeners will help you appreciate the diversity and creativity that goes into these fascinating objects.

Here are the main types of pencil sharpeners:

  • Metal Blade Sharpeners: These classic sharpeners feature a simple design with a metal blade that shaves the wood and graphite of a pencil. They come in various shapes and sizes, from pocket-sized models to larger desktop versions.
  • Hand-Crank Sharpeners: Hand-crank sharpeners are a step up from basic metal blade sharpeners, featuring a crank mechanism that rotates the blade as you turn the handle. These sharpeners often have a more sturdy and durable construction, making them a favorite among collectors.
  • Electric Sharpeners: Electric pencil sharpeners are a more modern invention, using a motor to rotate the blade and sharpen the pencil. These sharpeners offer convenience and speed, and often come with features like adjustable sharpness settings and automatic shut-off.
  • Battery-Operated Sharpeners: Similar to electric sharpeners, battery-operated models offer the convenience of a motorized blade without the need for an electrical outlet. These portable sharpeners are popular among students, artists, and anyone who needs a quick and easy sharpening solution on the go.
  • Novelty Sharpeners: Novelty sharpeners are where pencil sharpener collecting really gets fun and creative and are the most fun to collect. These sharpeners come in all sorts of unique shapes, colours, and themes, from animals and characters to famous landmarks and pop culture references. Novelty sharpeners are often sought after by collectors for their whimsical designs and limited edition status.

Knowing about these different types will help you appreciate the wide range of pencil sharpeners out there and build a comprehensive collection. In time, you’ll likely find yourself drawn to certain types or styles that speak to your personal taste and interests.

The Historical Evolution of Pencil Sharpeners

Learning about the history of pencil sharpeners is a big part of the fun for many collectors. Early sharpeners started out as simple hand-held devices and eventually evolved into more complex mechanical designs. Tracing this evolution gives you a glimpse into the craftsmanship and creativity of the past.

The first pencil sharpeners were invented in the early 19th century, as the use of wooden pencils became more widespread.

These early sharpeners were often small, handheld devices made of metal or wood, with a simple blade that would shave off the outer layer of the pencil to expose the graphite core.

As pencils became more popular in schools and offices, the demand for better and more efficient sharpeners grew. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, inventors began to experiment with new designs and mechanisms for pencil sharpeners.

One notable invention was the hand-crank sharpener, which used a gear system to rotate the blade and sharpen the pencil more evenly. These sharpeners were often made of cast iron and featured ornate designs, making them popular collectibles today.

APSCO’s U.S. Automatic Pencil Sharpener was the best selling pencil sharpener in the U.S. during 1907-14 

The 20th century saw the rise of electric and battery-operated sharpeners, which offered even greater speed and convenience. These sharpeners became common in schools and offices, and often featured sleek, modern designs that reflected the aesthetic of the time.

Throughout the history of pencil sharpeners, there have also been countless novelty designs that reflect the cultural trends and interests of different eras. From sharpeners shaped like cars and airplanes in the 1950s to character-themed sharpeners tied to popular movies and TV shows, these novelty items offer a fun and quirky glimpse into the past.

As a collector, tracing the evolution of pencil sharpeners can be a fascinating journey through history, design, and popular culture. By appreciating the craftsmanship and creativity behind these objects, you gain a deeper understanding of their place in our shared heritage.

Why Collect Pencil Sharpeners?

A Unique and Fascinating Hobby

Collecting pencil sharpeners might seem like an unusual hobby, but that’s part of what makes it so special. For many collectors, the thrill comes from discovering the history and artistry behind each sharpener.

There’s something incredibly satisfying about holding a vintage pencil sharpener in your hand and imagining the stories it could tell. Who used this sharpener? What did they create with the pencils it sharpened? How has it survived the test of time to end up in your collection?

Pencil sharpener collecting is a hobby that rewards curiosity, patience, and a love of small details.

It’s a chance to explore a niche area of history and design that many people overlook, and to find beauty and value in everyday objects.

For some collectors, the appeal of pencil sharpeners goes beyond just their historical or aesthetic value. They might be drawn to the satisfying tactile experience of using a well-made sharpener, or the nostalgic memories that certain sharpeners evoke.

Some collectors even make pilgrimages to places like the Pencil Sharpener Museum in Cape Girardeau, Missouri to feed their passion. This museum, which houses over 3,400 pencil sharpeners from around the world, is a testament to the dedication and enthusiasm of the pencil sharpener collecting community.

Whether you’re drawn to the history, the artistry, or the simple joy of collecting, pencil sharpener collecting is a hobby that offers plenty of opportunities for discovery and enjoyment.

As you build your collection, you’ll find yourself developing a deeper appreciation for these humble but fascinating objects, and the stories they have to tell.

The Appeal of Design Variety

One of the big draws of pencil sharpener collecting is the massive amount of designs out there.

The range of shapes, colors, and materials used in pencil sharpeners adds to the fun of building a diverse collection. You might find yourself drawn to sleek, minimalist designs that showcase the beauty of the metal or wood, or to bold, colorful sharpeners that pop on your shelf.

Some collectors focus on sharpeners from a particular era or design style, such as Art Deco or Mid-Century Modern. Others might specialise in sharpeners from a certain country or manufacturer, tracing the evolution of design and craftsmanship over time.

Novelty sharpeners are a particularly fun and diverse category, with endless possibilities for creative designs. You might find sharpeners shaped like animals, cars, or famous characters, or ones that feature clever mechanisms or hidden compartments. Etsy’s your best bet for finding some pretty cool novelty designs.

The joy of collecting pencil sharpeners lies in discovering and appreciating the unique qualities of each design. As you build your collection, you’ll start to develop an eye for the small details that make each sharpener special, from the curve of a handle to the patina of an aged metal finish.

Displaying your collection is also part of the fun, as you arrange your sharpeners in ways that showcase their individual charms and create a cohesive visual story.

Whether you prefer a sleek, minimalist display or a coloruful, eclectic arrangement, your pencil sharpener collection can be a beautiful and fascinating addition to your home or office.

Mitsubishi pencil sharpener with handle
Mitsubishi pencil sharpener

The Potential for Value Appreciation

Investing in pencil sharpeners can also potentially pay off down the road – yes, the humble pencil sharpener can make you some cold, hard cash!

Like with any collectible, rare or limited edition sharpeners can become highly sought after.

While not every pencil sharpener will appreciate in value, there are certain factors that can make a sharpener more valuable over time. Age, rarity, condition, and historical significance can all play a role in determining the value of a sharpener.

For example, a vintage sharpener from a well-known manufacturer like KUM or Faber-Castell might be more valuable than a generic brand. A sharpener that was only produced for a short time or in limited quantities might also be more sought after by collectors.

Condition is another important factor, as sharpeners that are in excellent condition with minimal wear and tear will generally be more valuable than those that are damaged or heavily used. This is why proper storage and care of your collection is so important.

Some collectors also look for sharpeners with unique or unusual features, such as uncommon colorus or materials, or those that were produced for a specific event or promotion.

These kinds of sharpeners can be harder to find and may command higher prices.

Of course, the value of a pencil sharpener is ultimately determined by what collectors are willing to pay for it. Keeping up with market trends and connecting with other collectors can help you stay informed about which sharpeners are most desirable and valuable.

While the potential for value appreciation is certainly a factor for some collectors, it’s important to remember that the true joy of pencil sharpener collecting lies in the hunt for unique and fascinating pieces, and the personal satisfaction of building a collection that reflects your interests and taste.

Whether you’re in it for the investment potential or simply the love of the hobby, pencil sharpener collecting offers plenty of opportunities for discovery, learning, and appreciation of these small but remarkable objects.

Caring for Your Collection

Restoration Techniques

Many pencil sharpener collectors come across pieces that need some TLC to bring them back to their former glory. A mild detergent and soft cloth can work well for cleaning, while a mix of vinegar and baking soda can help remove rust.

The key is to handle vintage sharpeners gently to avoid damaging the mechanisms while you work on restoring them. Depending on the age and condition of the sharpener, you may need to use specialized tools or techniques to get the best results.

For example, if a sharpener has a lot of built-up grime or corrosion, you might need to soak it in a solution of warm water and dish soap before gently scrubbing it with a soft-bristled brush. For tougher stains or rust, a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and salt can be an effective and safe cleaning agent.

If a sharpener has missing or broken parts, you may need to get creative with your restoration efforts. Some collectors use modeling clay or epoxy to fill in gaps or recreate missing pieces, while others scour online marketplaces and swap meets for replacement parts.

When it comes to the actual sharpening mechanism, it’s important to be extra careful not to damage the blade or gears. If a sharpener is jammed or not working smoothly, you might need to disassemble it carefully and clean out any debris or rust that’s causing the problem.

In some cases, it may be best to leave the restoration work to a professional, especially if you’re dealing with a particularly rare or valuable sharpener. There are some skilled restorers who specialize in vintage pencil sharpeners and can bring even the most neglected pieces back to life.

Ultimately, the goal of restoration is to preserve the original beauty and functionality of the sharpener while minimizing any further damage or wear. It’s a delicate balance that requires patience, skill, and a gentle touch, but the end result is a sharpener that looks and works like new, ready to be enjoyed and appreciated for years to come.

Display and Storage Solutions

Proper care is essential for preserving the quality and value of your pencil sharpener collection over time. One popular way to show off your collection is with a display case or shelf.

Make sure to arrange your sharpeners in a way that keeps them from getting scratched or damaged. It’s also a good idea to keep them out of direct sunlight and away from extreme temperatures to prevent fading and warping.

When it comes to displaying your collection, there are many creative options to choose from.

Some collectors prefer a simple, minimalist approach, using clear acrylic shelves or cases to let the sharpeners speak for themselves. Others create more elaborate displays, grouping sharpeners by colour, theme, or era to tell a visual story.

If you have a large collection, you might consider rotating your displays periodically to keep things fresh and interesting. This can also be a good way to give your sharpeners a break from being handled and exposed to the elements.

When your sharpeners are not on display, it’s important to store them properly to prevent damage and deterioration. Avoid storing them in damp or humid environments, as this can lead to rust and other forms of corrosion. Instead, keep them in a cool, dry place, ideally in a closed container or box to protect them from dust and debris.

If you have particularly fragile or valuable sharpeners, you might consider storing them individually in soft, padded cases or bags to prevent scratches and dings. Some collectors also use silica gel packets or other desiccants to help control humidity levels and prevent moisture damage.

Getting Involved in the Community

Joining Collector Clubs and Online Forums

Even though it’s a niche hobby, pencil sharpener collecting has an enthusiastic community of fans. If you’re looking to connect with other collectors, joining a club or online forum is a great way to do it.

These groups give you a place to chat, buy, sell, and trade pencil sharpeners, and to share tips and info about the latest finds. You can learn a lot from more experienced collectors, and also share your own knowledge and discoveries with others who share your passion.

One of the biggest benefits of joining a collector club or forum is the sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that comes from being part of a community. It can be incredibly rewarding to connect with others who understand and appreciate your hobby, and who can offer support, encouragement, and advice along the way.

Many collector clubs have regular meetings, either in person or online, where members can show off their latest acquisitions, trade sharpeners, and discuss various aspects of the hobby. These meetings can be a great way to make new friends, learn about upcoming events and auctions, and get feedback on your own collection.

Online forums and social media groups are another great way to connect with other collectors from around the world. These platforms allow you to share photos of your collection, ask for help identifying a particular sharpener, or simply chat about your shared love of these unique and fascinating objects.

Some popular online communities for pencil sharpener collectors include the Pencil Sharpener Collectors group on Facebook, the Pencil Sharpener Museum’s online forum, and various subreddits like r/pencilsharpeners and r/coolcollections.

As you get more involved in the pencil sharpener collecting community, you may find yourself taking on leadership roles or contributing to the group in other ways. You might organise a local meetup or trade show, write articles or blog posts about your collection, or even start your own website or social media account dedicated to the hobby.

No matter how you choose to get involved, being part of a community of like-minded collectors can be one of the most rewarding aspects of the hobby. It’s a chance to learn, grow, and share your passion with others who appreciate the unique charm and amazement of pencil sharpeners just as much as you do.

Attending Trade Shows and Conventions

Another fun way to immerse yourself in the world of pencil sharpener collecting is to attend trade shows and conventions focused on stationery and collectibles.

These events give you the chance to see a huge variety of pencil sharpeners in one place, from vintage models to limited edition pieces. You can also meet sellers, connect with other collectors, and maybe even discover a unique find to take home for your collection.

Trade shows and conventions are typically held in large venues, such as convention centers or hotels, and feature dozens or even hundreds of vendors selling all kinds of stationery-related items. While some events are dedicated specifically to pencil sharpeners, most include them as part of a broader focus on office supplies, writing instruments, or collectibles.

Attending these events can be a great way to immerse yourself in the world of pencil sharpener collecting and to see the incredible diversity and creativity of the hobby firsthand. You’ll have the chance to browse tables and booths filled with sharpeners of all kinds, from classic metal designs to quirky novelty items.

Many vendors at these events are experts in their field, with years of experience collecting and selling pencil sharpeners. They can be a great resource for learning more about the history and value of different sharpeners, as well as for getting tips on how to care for and display your own collection.

In addition to shopping and browsing, trade shows and conventions often feature seminars, workshops, and other educational programming related to pencil sharpeners and other collectibles. These sessions can be a great way to learn more about the hobby, pick up new skills, and connect with other enthusiasts.

The A. B. Dick Planetary Pencil Pointer was patented in 1896 and sold until the mid-1910s.

Conclusion: Embracing the Joy of an Unconventional Collection

When you step back and look at all the factors we’ve discussed, it’s clear that pencil sharpener collecting is a unique and captivating hobby that speaks to people who appreciate design, history, and a touch of nostalgia.

From vintage styles to modern novelties, there’s an incredible range of sharpeners out there waiting to be discovered. Each one tells a story, whether it’s about the evolution of a design, the cultural context in which it was created, or the personal memories and associations it evokes.

As a collector, you have the opportunity to curate and preserve these stories, to build a collection that reflects your own interests and taste, and to share your passion with others who appreciate the beauty and significance of these humble but fascinating objects.

Whether you’re drawn to the sleek lines of a mid-century sharpener or the whimsical charm of a novelty design, there’s a place for you in the world of pencil sharpener collecting. It’s a hobby that rewards curiosity, patience, and a willingness to see the extraordinary in the everyday.

So why not embrace the unconventional and start your own pencil sharpener collection today? You never know what kind of treasures you might uncover, what kind of stories you might discover, or what kind of friendships you might forge along the way.

The joy of collecting is in the journey, not just the destination.

Each sharpener you add to your collection is a small victory, a tiny work of art that represents your unique taste and appreciation for the beauty and history of these objects.

As you build your collection, you’ll find yourself developing a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world of pencil sharpeners, and for the people and cultures that created them. You’ll become part of a community of enthusiasts who share your passion, and who can offer support, encouragement, and camaraderie along the way.

And who knows? Your collection may even inspire others to take a closer look at these often-overlooked objects, to see the charm and amazement that you’ve discovered, and to start their own collections as well.

So go ahead and take the plunge into the wonderful, quirky, and endlessly fascinating world of pencil sharpener collecting. Your collection is waiting to be built, one unique and remarkable sharpener at a time!

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