Vintage Toys

Spinning Top Collecting: Tips, Tricks, and Top Picks

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If you’re looking for a fun and unique hobby, have you ever thought about collecting spinning tops?

These little toys have been around for centuries and come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and materials. In this post, we’ll dive into the world of spinning top collecting and check out what makes them so special.

Spinning tops are a classic toy that have captured the hearts of people all over the world.

They’re simple in concept, but pretty complex in design and execution. From traditional wooden tops to high-tech modern designs, there’s a spinning top out there for everyone.

What Are Spinning Tops?

What are spinning tops? I mean, the obvious answer is that they’re tops that spin. right?

Sure, but to head into a bit more detail, a spinning top is a toy that can be spun on an axis, balancing on a point. They’ve been around for thousands of years and have been used for both play and gambling. Tops can be made from all sorts of materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and even glass.

The basic concept of a spinning top is simple: you spin it on its point and watch it balance and rotate. But the physics behind how tops work is actually pretty complex. It involves concepts like angular momentum, precession, and gyroscopic stability. Don’t worry, though – you don’t need to be a physicist to appreciate the beauty of a spinning top!

Types of Spinning Tops

There are many different types of spinning tops out there. Some of the most common include:

  • Traditional Spinning Tops: These are often made of wood or metal and have a simple design with a pointed tip and a rounded body.
  • Gyroscopic Tops: These tops have a gyroscope inside that helps them maintain balance while spinning, resulting in longer spin times. They often come in various shapes and materials.
  • Beyblade: Beyblade is a modern version of spinning tops that gained popularity as a competitive game. Beyblades are customizable with different parts for attack, defense, and stamina.
  • Whirligigs: These are typically decorative spinning tops made of wood or metal, often featuring intricate designs or patterns carved into them.
  • LED Spinning Tops: These tops have LED lights embedded in them, creating dazzling light patterns as they spin. They are often used for entertainment or as novelty toys.
  • Collector’s Editions: Some spinning tops are designed specifically for collectors and come in limited editions or with unique designs, materials, or themes.
  • Vintage Tops: Collectors may also seek out vintage or antique spinning tops, which can vary widely in design and material based on the era in which they were made.
  • Custom Spinning Tops: Many artisans create custom spinning tops with unique designs, materials, and features tailored to individual preferences or specifications.

Of course, these are just a few examples. There are other types of spinning tops out there, each with its own unique features and designs.

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wooden spinning tops

Why Collect Spinning Tops?

So, why would anyone want to collect spinning tops? Well, there are a few reasons:

They’re Fun to Play With

First and foremost (and the most important reason) spinning tops are just plain fun to play with.

There’s something satisfying about watching a top spin and balance on its point. It’s almost hypnotic! Plus, many tops have unique designs or features that make them even more entertaining to play with.

Spinning tops can also be a great way to bond with others. Whether you’re teaching a child how to spin a top or competing with friends to see who can keep their top spinning the longest, tops have a way of bringing people together.

They Have a Rich History

Spinning tops have been around for a long time, and they have a fascinating history. The oldest known top dates back to ancient Babylon, around 3500 BCE. Tops were also popular in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

In the Middle Ages, tops became popular toys for children in Europe. They were often made from wood or clay and decorated with bright colors and patterns. Tops were also used for gambling, with players betting on which top would spin the longest.

Today, tops are still popular all over the world. In Japan, there’s even a traditional top-spinning festival called “Koma-Mawashi,” where players compete to see who can keep their top spinning the longest.

For a comprehensive article about the history of spinning tops, check out this article at theartofplay.com.

They’re Affordable

Compared to other common collectibles like coins or stamps, spinning tops are relatively affordable. You can find tops for just a few dollars, making it easy to start your collection without breaking the bank.

Of course, like any collectible, there are also high-end spinning tops that can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But the great thing about top collecting is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to enjoy it. You can start small and gradually build your collection over time.

They’re Visually Appealing

Let’s face it – spinning tops are just plain cool to look at. From the intricate designs to the mesmerising motion, there’s something visually appealing about a well-made spinning top.

Many collectors enjoy displaying their tops as works of art. Some even create custom display cases or stands to show off their collection. And with so many different designs and styles out there, you can create a truly unique and visually stunning collection.

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What to Look for When Collecting Spinning Tops

If you’re interested in starting a spinning top collection, there are a few things to keep in mind:


Tops can be made from all sorts of materials, and each has its own pros and cons. Wooden tops are classic and durable, while metal tops can be more intricate and decorative. Plastic tops are lightweight and affordable, but may not last as long as other materials.

When choosing a top, consider the material and how it will affect the top’s performance and durability. Some materials, like brass or stainless steel, are more prone to scratching or tarnishing over time. Others, like titanium or tungsten, are incredibly durable and resistant to wear and tear.


The design of a spinning top can greatly affect its performance and value. Look for tops with unique shapes, colours, or patterns. Some tops even have moving parts or light-up features.

When evaluating a top’s design, consider things like balance, weight distribution, and centre of gravity. A well-designed top will spin smoothly and evenly, without wobbling or tipping over.

Some collectors also value tops with intricate or unique designs. For example, a top with a hand-painted pattern or a laser-etched logo may be more valuable than a plain, undecorated top.


As with any collectible, condition is key. Look for tops that are in good shape, with minimal scratches or chips. If you’re buying vintage tops, expect some wear and tear, but avoid tops that are severely damaged.

When evaluating a top’s condition, look for things like cracks, chips, or bent parts. A top with significant damage may not spin properly or may be more prone to breaking in the future.

If you’re buying a top online, be sure to carefully review any photos or descriptions provided by the seller. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional photos or information if you’re unsure about the top’s condition.

spinning tops

Where to Find Collectible Spinning Tops

Now that you know what to look for, where can you actually find collectible spinning tops? Here are a few ideas:

Online Marketplaces

Websites like eBay and Etsy are great places to find spinning tops from all over the world. You can browse by material, design, or price to find the perfect addition to your collection. Etsy in particular has some incredibly unique and intricate spinning tops to choose from.

When shopping on online marketplaces, be sure to read seller reviews and ratings carefully. Look for sellers with a history of positive feedback and satisfied customers.

Toy Stores

Many toy stores carry spinning tops, especially around the holidays. Keep an eye out for special edition or limited release tops that may become valuable in the future.

Some toy stores even specialise in traditional or vintage toys, including spinning tops. These stores can be a great resource for finding unique or hard-to-find tops.

Antique Shops

If you’re interested in vintage tops, antique shops are a great place to look. You never know what kind of unique or rare tops you might find!

When shopping at antique stores, be prepared to dig through boxes and bins to find hidden treasures. And don’t be afraid to negotiate on price – many antique dealers are willing to haggle, especially if you’re buying multiple items.

Specialty Retailers

There are also some specialty retailers that focus specifically on spinning tops and other skill toys. These shops often carry high-end or hard-to-find tops, as well as accessories like carrying cases and display stands.

Some popular specialty retailers include:

These retailers can be a great resource for serious collectors looking for top-of-the-line tops and accessories.

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How to Connect with Other Spinning Top Collectors

Collecting spinning tops can be even more fun when you connect with other collectors. Here are a few ways to do that:

Facebook Groups

There are several Facebook groups dedicated to spinning top collecting. Some notable ones include:

  • Spinning Tops, Made With Wood: This group has members from all over the world. It’s a great place to share photos of your collection, ask for advice, and connect with other collectors.
  • Vorso Spinning Tops: This is a place for you to kick back and spin a few. Feel free to discuss, buy, sell and trade.

These groups are a great way to meet other collectors, learn about new tops and brands, and even buy, sell, or trade tops with other members.

Reddit Communities

Reddit also has a few communities for spinning top enthusiasts. Check out:

  • r/spinningtop: This subreddit has over 1,000 members and is dedicated to all things spinning tops. You’ll find photos, videos, and discussions about tops from all over the world.
  • r/topspinning: Not a spinning top specific group but an excellent group nonetheless. I’ve found that they are very supportive with all kinds of collections here and with over 45k members, you’re bound to find someone else who can help you out.

These communities are a great way to connect with other collectors and learn more about the world of spinning tops.

Conventions and Meetups

Finally, consider attending a spinning top convention or meetup in your area. These events bring together collectors from all over to buy, sell, and trade tops, as well as compete in top-spinning competitions and demonstrations.

Some popular spinning top conventions include:

  • The National Yo-Yo and Skill Toy Convention: Held annually in the US, this convention features spinning top competitions and demonstrations alongside yo-yo and other skill toy events.
  • The Top Museum: A must (if you’re in the US – which sadly I’m not!) to visit is the Top Museum. Learn about all things top spinning and have fun while you’re doing it. These guys love their tops!

These events can be a great way to meet other collectors in person, learn new skills, and find rare or unique tops for your collection.

Displaying Your Spinning Top Collection

Once you’ve started your collection, you’ll want to show it off! Here are a few ideas for displaying your spinning tops:

Shadow Boxes

Shadow boxes are a great way to display your tops while keeping them protected. You can arrange them by colour, material, or theme to create a visually appealing display.

When choosing a shadow box, look for one with a sturdy frame and a clear, removable front panel. This will allow you to easily access your tops for play or rearranging.


If you have a lot of tops, shelves are a simple and effective way to display them. You can use bookends or dividers to keep them organised and easy to see.

When displaying tops on shelves, consider grouping them by size, color, or material. You can also use risers or stands to create height and visual interest.

Acrylic Cases

For your most valuable or delicate tops, consider investing in an acrylic case. These clear cases will protect your tops from dust and damage while still allowing you to admire them.

Display Method Pros Cons
Shadow Boxes Protects tops, can be arranged creatively Takes up wall space, can be expensive
Shelves Simple, can hold many tops Tops may get dusty, can take up a lot of space
Acrylic Cases Fully protects tops, allows for easy viewing Can be expensive, takes up space

When choosing an acrylic case, look for one with a tight-fitting lid and a stable base. Some cases even come with built-in LED lights to showcase your tops in style.

No matter which display method you choose, be sure to keep your tops away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures, as these can cause damage over time.

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Caring for Your Spinning Top Collection

To keep your spinning top collection in top shape, there are a few things you should do:

Dust Regularly

Dust can build up on your tops over time, so be sure to dust them regularly with a soft cloth or brush. This will help keep them looking clean and shiny, and prevent dust from getting into the moving parts.

When dusting your tops, be gentle to avoid scratching or damaging the surface. A microfibre cloth or soft-bristled brush works well for most materials.

Store Properly

When you’re not displaying your tops, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing them in damp or humid areas, as this can cause damage over time.

If you have multiple tops, consider storing them in individual bags or containers to prevent them from scratching each other. You can also use soft padding or tissue paper to protect them from bumps and jostles.

Handle with Care

When handling your tops, be gentle to avoid scratches or chips. Consider wearing gloves when handling particularly delicate or valuable tops.

If you’re playing with your tops, be sure to do so on a clean, flat surface away from any sharp or abrasive objects. And if you’re transporting your tops, use a padded case or bag to protect them from damage.

Repair and Maintain

Even with the best care, spinning tops can sometimes get damaged or worn down over time. If you notice any cracks, chips, or other damage, consider having your top repaired by a professional.

Some collectors also choose to maintain their tops by polishing or waxing them regularly. This can help keep the surface smooth and shiny, and prevent rust or tarnish on metal tops.


Collecting spinning tops may not be the most common hobby, but that’s part of what makes it awesome.

These little toys have a rich history and come in endless varieties, making them a fascinating and rewarding thing to collect.

Whether you’re drawn to the intricate designs, the mesmerising motion, or the simple joy of playing with them, spinning tops have something to offer everyone. And with so many different types and styles to choose from, you can build a collection that truly reflects your personality and interests.

So why not give it a spin? Start small with a few basic tops, and see where your collection takes you. Connect with other collectors, learn about the history and science behind these fascinating toys, and most importantly, have fun!

Who knows – you may just find yourself falling in love with these timeless toys, and discovering a new passion that brings you joy for years to come.

Happy spinning!

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