Navigating Sales Events

How to Navigate Sales Events Like a Pro

A man holds a collectible at a collectible convention

Sales events can be an absolute gold mine for finding those special pieces to add to your collection.

But with so many events happening all the time, it can be tough to know where to begin and how to make the most out of your time and money.

I wanted to share some tips and tricks that I’ve picked up along the way. These strategies have helped me score some amazing finds, and I’m sure they’ll help you too. It doesn’t matter if you’re a long time collector or if you’re just starting out because there’s some cool tips here for everyone.

Research is Key

Before you even step foot out the door, it’s crucial to do your homework. Trust me, a little bit of research goes a long way.

Here are some tips:

  • Check out online listings on websites like,, and to find upcoming sales events in your area.
  • Follow your local auction houses and estate sale companies on social media to stay in the loop about their upcoming events.
  • Join collectors’ groups or forums that are related to what you’re interested in. You can get some great insights and tips from other enthusiasts.

By doing your research ahead of time, you can prioritize which sales events to hit up and have a better idea of what kinds of treasures you might uncover.

Have a Game Plan

Once you’ve found a sales event that you want to check out, it’s time to make a game plan. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Set a budget for yourself and stick to it. It’s easy to get carried away at these events, so having a clear idea of how much you can spend will help you make smart choices.
  • Make a wishlist of the items you’re most interested in finding and prioritise them based on your budget and collecting goals.
  • If you’re planning on hitting up multiple sales events in one day, map out your route in advance. This will help you minimise travel time and make sure you hit the most promising sales first.

Having a solid plan in place will help you make the most of your time and resources at any sales event.

A person sitting at her desk taking notes by her laptop
Have a game plan and be prepared when attending sales events.

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

When it comes to sales events, being an early bird really does pay off. Serious collectors will often line up hours before an event starts, just to be one of the first through the door.

If you’ve got your heart set on a specific item or collection, it’s definitely worth getting there early to increase your chances of snagging it before someone else does.

Even if you’re not first in line, arriving early can still give you a better shot at finding hidden gems before they’re all picked over.

Come Prepared

To really make the most of your time at a sales event, it’s important to come prepared. Here are a few essentials to bring with you:

  • Cash is king at most sales events, so make sure to hit up the ATM beforehand.
  • Bring a notebook and pen to jot down notes about items you’re interested in, including their condition, price, and where they’re located in the sale.
  • Sales events can be pretty dimly lit, so pack a torch (or use your phone’s torch) to help you get a closer look at items.
  • If you’re interested in small details like hallmarks or signatures, a magnifying glass can be handy.
  • Wear comfortable shoes! You’ll probably be doing a lot of walking and standing, so you want to make sure your feet aren’t killing you by the end of the day.

By being prepared, you’ll be able to navigate sales events like a pro.

Know Your Stuff

To make smart buying decisions at a sales event, it really helps to have some knowledge about the items you’re interested in. Here are a few tips for building up your expertise:

  • Read up on your area of interest. Check out books, articles, and online resources to learn about the history, styles, and value of the items you collect.
  • When you’re examining an item, look closely for signs of authenticity, age, and condition. Things like wear patterns and maker’s marks can tell you a lot.
  • Don’t be shy about asking questions! Whether you’re talking to the seller or other collectors, asking about an item’s history or condition can give you valuable info. They love talking about their items so it’s no problem.

The more you know about your area of interest, the easier it will be to make informed decisions about what to add to your collection.

Comic con San Diego
San Diego Comic Con. Having a game plan before attending is critical.

Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate

Sales events are a great time to flex your negotiation skills and try to score a better price on items you’re interested in. Here are a few tips:

  • Do your research beforehand so you have a good idea of the market value for the item you’re eyeing. That way, you can make a fair offer.
  • Be friendly and respectful when you approach the seller. Lowball offers can come off as insulting, so avoid those.
  • Ask questions about the item’s history, condition, and any potential flaws or repairs that could affect its value.
  • If the seller isn’t willing to meet your price, be ready to walk away. There will always be other chances to find similar items.

Remember, negotiation is a skill that takes practice. The more you do it, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become.

Make Connections

Sales events aren’t just great places to find items for your collection – they’re also awesome opportunities to connect with other collectors who share your interests. Here are a few tips for networking:

  • If you see someone checking out an item you’re interested in, strike up a conversation! Ask them about their collecting interests and see what you have in common.
  • Keep an eye out for collector events like meetups, shows, and conventions. These are great places to connect with other enthusiasts and learn more about your area of interest.
  • Join online communities on social media platforms and forums. These can be awesome places to connect with other collectors, share knowledge, and stay up-to-date on upcoming sales events.

Building relationships with other collectors can help you expand your knowledge, find new resources, and even make some lifelong friends who share your passion.

Patience is a Virtue

Finding that perfect addition to your collection can take time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t stumble upon it right away. It’s important to be patient at sales events and not feel pressured to make a purchase just because you’re there. If an item doesn’t meet your criteria or fit your budget, it’s totally okay to walk away.

Remember, collecting is a marathon, not a sprint.

Enjoy the thrill of the hunt and trust that the right items will come along when the time is right.

Happy Days Lunchbox
Patience might land you the perfect collectible you’ve been looking for – like this Happy Days Lunchbox

The Bottom Line

Navigating sales events can be a total blast and a great way to build your collection, but it does take some strategy and preparation to really make the most of your time and resources.

By doing your research, having a game plan, getting there early, coming prepared, knowing your stuff, negotiating like a pro, connecting with other collectors, and being patient, you’ll be able to uncover those hidden treasures and make smart buying decisions.

At the end of the day, collecting is a personal journey.

What matters most is finding items that speak to you and bring you joy. Remember, the best collections are the ones that are built with passion, dedication, and a true love for the items you acquire.

So get out there, explore the exciting world of sales events, and happy hunting!

If you’re not sure what to hunt for you’re in the right place! Collectorizing has it all. Our focus is on rare and remarkable collections, but we also explore the classics. There’s something there for you – I guarantee it!

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